Tuesday 29 September 2015

Welcome to Year 5!

Welcome to this year's Year 5 blog!

Here you can find snippets of all the great learning that goes on in Year 5. We have got off to a great start and we are learning lots throughout our different subjects, including taking a close look at the ancient Shang Dynasty of China.  So the next time you see a Year 5 out and about, why not ask them to share a fun fact with you about this ancient civilization?

Friday 22 May 2015


Congratulations to everybody who participated in our annual Cabot Sports Day!

A fantastic day was had by all, with excellent examples of partnership, inclusion and excellence shown throughout the day!

Enjoy your well-deserved rest over the holidays, ready for another great term!

Miss Gundy

Friday 23 January 2015

Year 5 meets Dragons' Den

What a fantastic week we have had!

This week has seen Year 5 turn into entrepreneurs as we made and sold our very own product. During maths lessons, we thought very carefully about profit and loss and how we could make the most profitable product.

Take a look at us in action! Here we are making our friendship bracelets!

Sunday 18 January 2015

Sir Francis Drake: Pirate, explorer or privateer?

Year 5 have got off to a fantastic start to the term!

We have already been learning lots about Sir Francis Drake and what different people thought about him. Over the coming weeks, we will be using this information to put ourselves in the shoes of different historical figures to form our own opinions about Sir Francis Drake.

Tell us what you think... Was Sir Francis Drake a pirate, explorer or privateer?


Sunday 4 January 2015

Happy New Year!

Wishing everybody a Happy New Year!

I hope you have all had a wonderful break before returning on Tuesday. I am very much looking forward to all the exciting learning that will continue to take place in Year 5 during this new term!

Miss Gundy

Thursday 18 December 2014


This term in Year 5 we have spent time exploring electricity and how the different components of an electrical circuit can be affected.

We've been getting hands on and discovering this for ourselves- just take a look!

Friday 28 November 2014

An exciting discovery!

This week has been a particularly exciting one at Cabot! After discovering a time capsule in the school grounds, we have been reflecting on what Cabot was like in the past. The objects have given us lots of clues to get us thinking!

Consequently, this week we have been putting a lot of thought in to what memories of the school from 2014 we would want to share with the future generations of Cabot pupils, as well as producing some brilliant writing to include in our capsule!

Read on to find out what Year 5 have to say about our exciting discovery!

Finding the capsule:
Near reception there was a discovery of a capsule. It was spotted on a normal day while the builders were digging. They found a square-shaped, muddy time capsule.

Cabot capsule 2014:
Here are our top five objects that we think should go in a Cabot time capsule:
1. Golden ticket
2. School book bag
3. School jumper
4. School anthem lyrics
5. Cabot P.E. kit (we really are enjoying having our new kits!)

Memories for our capsule:
If we could put memories in the time capsule, we would put:
1. Being given golden time for all the good choices we make.
2. Earning lots of marbles!
3. Being in clubs and tournaments, including football.
4. All the fairs throughout the year.
5. School discos!

Thinking ahead:
We have been thinking about what Cabot might be like when our capsule is discovered...

In the future, we think that Cabot Primary School will still be the best school. The students will still be incredibly intelligent and smart. Also, Cabot Primary School will be even bigger and better, so every single student in the whole world will want to come to our school. Furthermore, they will still have the values learn together, respect each other and achieve forever.

Now you know what we think, what would you want to put in your time capsule?